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Recenzije korisnika

Mike Aston

Thank you for your prompt valued service support! Received the new module & fitted it, I’ve traveled 200klm since then & it’s fantastic to have the extra Power & torque. Your module improves fuel economy & even changes the shift pattern of the auto transmission. In short it has transformed my LDV T60 Pro into a more pleasurable vehicle to drive.
I would highly recommend Vector Tuning to anyone looking to improve thier vehicle by purchasing from such a professional & reputable company that stands by their equipment, being superior to others!

en   /   03.03.2023.   /   Australia
Daniel K.

Vector Tuning has excellent service, I ordered a chip for my A7 Audi and it arrived within 2 business days in the mail, the instructions were clear but I ran into a problem where I could not get the car to start when hooked up. I emailed for help and within 30 seconds the support rang me to trouble shoot and within minutes we worked out the camshaft adapter was plugged in back to front and I had the car running again.
I just took the car for a spin on each mode and the difference is amazing, you instantly feel the acceleration and zero lag and im excited to see how much fuel I can save on the highway this week in eco mode!
Highly recommend these guys and thank you for you help!

en   /   23.09.2022.   /   Australia
Matti Remsu

tää ihme boksi tuli tallille kun auto oli tehopenkissä heti+30hv ja 29nm,boksi etupenkille+50hv/60nm ja lopulta se suurin ihme boksi kiinni tekniikkaan+295hv/900nm eikä tässä vielä kaikki tämä vapari tekniikalla….

en   /   13.07.2022.   /   Finland
Dani A.

hello, i received the chip a few days ago, reinstalled it at mg motor company! Easy to plug, no check engine or any warning. That’s great!!
Thanks for Vector support team, you guys are professional and super helpful.

Best regards!

en   /   19.04.2022.   /   Iraq
Sam Riley

Awesome guys, thank you! Fast response, good quality and price!
Would definitely recommend smile

en   /   06.12.2021.   /   United States
Ilija Pavić

Svaka čast, nemam ništa negativno za reći! Odgovor na upit je brzo stigao, kao i sam proizvod. Zadovoljan korisničkom podrškom, kvalitetom proizvoda, a i cijenom!

hr   /   06.12.2021.   /   Croatia (Hrvatska)
Lars Gordonsson

Alles ok, kann es nur weiter empfehlen.

de   /   06.12.2021.   /   Sweden

Great product!
Really happy with everything ????????

en   /   05.10.2021.   /   Australia
Todd waldman

Hello, The quality is consistent each time I drive the car.  Works better than I expected!
Hope to purchase a tuner for our Touareg TDI!
Thank you from USA

en   /   14.09.2021.   /   United States

Actually Works and better than Monte Tune!

en   /   13.09.2021.   /   United States
Dimitris Kavafakis

Good day sirs,

I have purchased this year my Vector Tunning and I’ve installed it on a Diesel Hybrid Peugeot 508 RXH and I have a very good impression from the product concerning economy. This program provides about 15% or even a bit more reduction of the fuel consumption for a model that is already very economic.

I am now intending to use the other programs more often and compare results. I may be switching programs very often.

Thank you and regards from Greece.

en   /   08.09.2021.   /   Greece
Ricardo Reina

Very satisfied with the results, I have recommended you to my friends.

en   /   18.08.2021.   /   Spain
Willy Smith

Excellent seller my vote is five stars.

en   /   30.07.2021.   /   United States
Cuannata A.

The quality was good, and the seller service was excellent.

en   /   30.07.2021.   /   Indonesia
Theo G.

My customer is very satisfied for your product and i want to continue our business.

en   /   27.07.2021.   /   Greece
Matija Kustić

Zadovoljan sam povećanjem snage na svom Audiju.

hr   /   25.07.2021.   /   Croatia (Hrvatska)

Das Produkt ist wie beschrieben, leicht zum Einbauen.

de   /   08.07.2021.   /   Germany
Adrian B.

Beste Qualität zum besten Preis. Danke.

de   /   22.06.2021.   /   Germany
Aigars E.

I have a Mercedes Viano 639 from Year 2014 and about 3 months ago a friend helped install the new Tuning Module. I bought a version with Bluetooth support. The result is excellent, I’m amazed at the hidden power of my MB Viano engine. The engine runs quieter and very freely and quickly turns even when driving uphill. With POWER mode on, overtaking is very easy and safe, as acceleration from 100 to 120-130 only takes a few seconds.

en   /   04.06.2021.   /   Latvia
Robert B.

Great product. Trully works unlike others!

en   /   29.05.2021.   /   United States
Todd W.

I wanted a German made product for my German made car! Thank you for answering all my questions in a way I could understand and for having a product (drive booster) that does exactly as described and better! I enjoy driving the car much more now with the acceleration response provided. Thank you again! Cheers!!

en   /   27.05.2021.   /   United States

Dobar proizvod, zadovoljan

hr   /   20.05.2021.   /   Serbia
Leon Weber

Lieferung und Bedienung waren gut und mit dem Gerät bin ich zufrieden. Kann die Firma weiterempfehlen!

de   /   15.05.2021.   /   Austria
Christos P.

Concluded that it does work and more noticeable when using higher octane fuel! Thank you.

en   /   04.05.2021.   /   Cyprus

Tehnička služba mi je jako pomogla, super i usluga i proizvod.

hr   /   30.04.2021.   /   Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gunnar E.

We have put 3 pieces in the 3 cars and we are very happy with that, thank you.

en   /   04.03.2021.   /   Iceland

I have your module on my 2018 Porsche Macan GTS. I like the piggy-back nature of your hardware so it doesn’t leave a trace on the ECU. Overall good value for the money.

en   /   02.03.2021.   /   Canada
Petar K.

Optimizirani motor mi je zakon. Tehnika i cijena usluge je u redu.

hr   /   01.03.2021.   /   Croatia (Hrvatska)

Alles ok. Auto läuft gut.

de   /   20.02.2021.
Stjepan B.

Imao sam problema s ubrzavanjem auta i nedostatkom snage, ali vaš modul se pokazao kao pun pogodak.

hr   /   02.02.2021.   /   Croatia (Hrvatska)
Karim Caner

Die Firma hält was sie verspricht. Bin sehr zufrieden.

de   /   10.01.2021.   /   Germany

Spitzen Produkt, besser geht es nicht!

de   /   18.11.2020.   /   Germany
Jolanta C.

Client is satisfied however we are planning to check actual HP on dyno.

en   /   23.10.2020.   /   Poland
Jóhann K. B.

So I have test my car!! it works! More power and performance than before!

en   /   19.10.2020.   /   Iceland
Marc B.

Everything is working well, the unit certainly wakes up the hidden HP. Seems like the sweet spot for me is in Sport +2 setting; provides for much fun around town. Power mode is more fun. With the new-found Tuning Module success, I also installed the Drive Booster as you recommended. Another wonderful piece of hardware! It corrects the Audi throttle delay problem perfectly.

en   /   30.06.2020.   /   United States
Ulf M.

I bought chip trim from you for a couple of years ago and it works great. It was a Hyundai Santa Fe. I need one for a other car.

en   /   23.06.2020.   /   France
Amir H.

I have successfully install the vp44, it’s working great, really shock with power it deliver. Thanks again really appreciate it.

en   /   18.06.2020.   /   Malaysia

Hello, yesterday we did Kia Proceed GT 1.6 and everything was great! Thank you

en   /   26.05.2020.   /   Czech Republic