Car Chip Tuning for BMW X1 sDrive18d (E84) (01/2010 - 05/2015)
The performance data for BMW X1 sDrive18d (E84) (01/2010 - 05/2015) shows maximum values achievable with Cars chip tuning. The real performance output depends on the serial tolerances of the vehicle BMW X1 sDrive18d (E84) (01/2010 - 05/2015).
We deliver Cars Tuning Chip with the best possible setting for your vehicle type but you can also adjust the performance of the Cars Tuning Chip according to your requirements.
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More Power
Increase of engine power to 30% and increase of torque to 30% with a better acceleration of the vehicle.
Higher Torque
With Vector chip tuning you can achieve increase of torque to 30% with a better acceleration of the vehicle.
Fuel Saving
You can reduce fuel consumption on some vehicles up to 20% depending on the module and its configuration.
Driving Fun
With tuning powerbox module you'll get more power and more dynamics which means more fun!
Easy install
Installation instructions are included with each delivery. All components are easy and quick to install.
Keypad with several performance levels allows you to have customized driving setup. Economy, Sport, Power, OFF
Microcontrollers Automotive ATmega AVR generation. They are used in the auto industry and provides high performance.
Plug & Drive
Easy and quick Plug & Drive powerbox module installation with original automotive FCI cables.
Made in Germany
We invest in development to improve quality of our products, which proves our DEKRA Certification ISO9001.
2 year warranty is given on components fitted and on the software.
Warm-up timer
Time-delayed activation of the Module until the engine warms up.
Better Acceleration
You can achieve 10% better acceleration.
For most of our Power Box Modules we offer the possibility of remapping when you change your vehicle.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Tuning Box Module
The installation of an additional control unit represents a structural change which, without being recorded in the vehicle documents by means of a paid individual assessment and test report, can leade to the expiry of the operating license and - if used on public roads - to the loss of insurance cover. A parts certificate is currently not available for this vehicle. Without registration, this system is only suitable for motorsport. Furthermore, any increase in performance through chip tuning can have an impact on the statutory warranty claims against the seller or on the warranty claims against the manufacturer. Before use, inform yourself about the applicable national road traffic laws which may limit use on private roads, race tracks or offroad.
Simply expressed, the output increase is achieved by adjusting the quantity of fuel-air mixture and the ignition time. In this process the injectors play a major role, they control the amount, timing and fuel injection pressure. Vector tuning module picks up the control unit’s data, processes and optimizes it through Vector microprocessor and then sends the modified value to the central system, in Electronic control unit (ECU). ECU collect this data and continues to operate with engine motor.
Vector module regardless of the increase of engine power doesn't increase fuel consumption, the secret is in the increased torque.
The power increase doesn't affect the change in particle emissions.
To increase engine performance we also recommend to install a sport air filter.
The increase in power is achieved by increasing the torque in the lower and medium speed range. Therefore, maximum speed is increased in practically all vehicles of approximately 5 to 10 km/h depending on the tolerance of each vehicle.
It's known in practice that there are minor deviations in technical features of two same vehicles depending on the their maintenance, mileage, fuel quality and the method and place of use. For these reasons, the default setting of Vector modules can't achieve the greatest possible improvement in engine performance.
By adjusting the additional system management from Vector company, optimal effect can be achieved on certain types of vehicles. Electronics can be adjusted depending on the needs and desires of the customer.
For the original Vector module that is properly installed and configured for your vehicle we provide 24-month warranty. To achieve this condition it's necessary to have a bill of purchase!
The vehicle from outside is not different from serial model. Power change can be determined only on the rollers for testing engine, Dyno.
The temperature is increased very slightly (only at full throttle). For example, in the case of an Audi TDI at constant full throttle, the increase will be 8 degrees.
With tuning, the increase of the engine power is achieved by optimizing the engine and by using the tolerance of different parts of the engine, and at the same time does not fall within the limits of engine operation. According to previous experiences, range of diesel engine efficiency goes up to 60% of the initial value. For normal use of the vehicle, regular oil changes and regular service, engine life is not reduced. Only if you drive in constant ‘sport’ style, you will have to change car oil more frequently than recommended by your car producer.
The manufacturer is building a car for the global market, which must meet various requirements. This is primarily related to the weather conditions, fuel quality and method of exploitation of vehicles.
Not necessary.
A vehicle with automatic transmission is automatically adjusted to the new conditions.
Drive Booster Module
The Drive Booster Module will improve the response time of the throttle pedal and you'll get an immediate response from the engine. In other words, Drive Booster Module eliminates throttle lag, but the torque output of your vehicle will not change.
Without Drive Booster Module and by constantly driving at full throttle the ECU will receive more high speed signals and adapt the engine performance to suite the style of driving that will make the engine performance more dynamic. But it is impossible and also bad for your engine to maintain that kind of driving regime so ECU eventually returns its state to standard. This is where Drive Booster Module kicks in - you simply plug it and your vehicle becomes more responsive and dynamic.
Each Drive Booster Module is custom suited for each specific vehicle because of the different operating systems between different manufacturers and even between different models of the same manufacturer. By customizing each order we make sure that the customers get the Drive Booster Module that works best for their vehicle.
No, you still wouldn't get the same effect, and by doing that frequently you can damage the throttle cluster and drivetrain! Human physical actions can't match the electronic signals that Drive Booster Module provides.
Tuning modules increase the engines horsepower and torque. Drive Booster Modules modify only the vehicles throttle response time and therefore you get better acceleration.
Drive Booster Module does not alter the amount of fuel injected into the engine. It only improves the response time of the throttle pedal. Your driving behavior is the main factor which will affect the fuel consumption, and by driving standardly you will even see decrease in the fuel consumption.
That is not necessary because the Drive Booster Module does not make any change in car design or in the ECU software, it only sends different signals from the throttle pedal to ECU. Your insurance cover will not be affected since the engine remains standard. Drive Booster Module complies with the 2014/30/EU directive relating to electromagnetic compatibility.
It does not have any effect. Driving style and the level of care are the main factors for the operational reliability of your vehicle.
The Drive Booster Module does not change the air and fuel ratio in the engine so the emission levels and the exhaust gas filter will not be affected.
The Drive Booster Module comes with a 2 year warranty.
If you are not satisfied with it, you can return the Drive Booster Module within 14 days you've received it, no questions asked.